Live Today
REMINDER: Do you realise that there is no tomorrow? Only today is real. Tomorrow? It may come, or it may not — depending on God’s will. However, it certainly does not exist. Reflect on whether your thoughts are anchored in the past or drifting towards the future, causing you to forget to live in the here and now. Friend, begin living in the present, for you will eventually awaken as an old person (at best). How can you achieve this? Direct your attention to the present moment and to what resides in your heart now. The words of Jesus resonate today! He engages with the present! God will not arrive someday; He is here now, wherever you are! Time was created by God for you, not the other way around — and it is God who governs time, not you! Jesus said: “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans chase after all these things. (…) Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” (Mt 6:31-32, 34). So, do not forget to express gratitude in the evening: Thank you, God, for this day of my life. Amen.
When you stand
on the threshold of hardship,
trust GOD
because two things
can happen;
either HE will catch you
when you fall
or HE will
Do not rely on another person for your happiness. It is essential to find contentment within yourself and achieve internal (spiritual) harmony first. Only then can you truly share happiness with someone else. In reality, relationships can often lead to feelings of loneliness and unhappiness if you neglect your own needs — this may seem obvious, yet it is frequently overlooked.
Oh, these men
The harsh reality is that when a man wins a woman’s affection, he often falls into the trap of complacency, believing he has secured her love — much like acquiring a hamster from a pet store. He becomes passive, relying on her to handle household chores, cooking, and child-rearing, assuming everything is set in motion. In this process, he fails to truly see her for who she is. Yet, she remains the same person she was at the start of their relationship, with her own needs, dreams, and aspirations. This leads to a common question: why do women in relationships seek attention from other men? The answer lies in their desire for recognition and fulfilment, searching for what is missing in their current partnership. The takeaway for men is clear: take the time to rediscover the woman in your wife, your life partner.
even when
everyone else
only see
what is the worst
Fear of suffering
The more imagination one possesses, the more challenging it becomes to navigate the harsh realities of this fractured world. Yet, a deep-seated intuition suggests that after death, the experience will be entirely different. The more love one embraces, the greater the capacity for suffering, as the heart comprehends the current state of the earth. Thus, the desire to know and to endure pain is intertwined. However, God will provide solace, enabling one to withstand it all. Fear not.
Can you be a saint?
A saint is not defined by a lack of wrongdoing, but rather by the significant good they have accomplished in their life, all while recognising that it is God who enabled those deeds, not their own efforts.
Are you taking or giving? Are you putting burdens on others or are you lifting them yourself?
If individuals truly recognised the immense value of God's words, their inherently flawed nature — tainted by original sin — would lead them to embrace these teachings deeply rather than share them superficially. Yet, paradoxically, the opposite frequently occurs.
Everyone possesses a unique perspective, and true wisdom lies not only in staunchly defending one's viewpoint but also in the ability to recognise the possibility of being mistaken.
God punished me. Are you sure?
Some individuals express, "God punished me." However, it's essential to recognise that punishment — often viewed negatively — or, more accurately, the consequences of sowing evil in one's life, is not a form of revenge for wrongdoing (as the misguided whisper suggests). Instead, it is a manifestation of God's profound love for humanity, aimed at safeguarding us from future harm. Therefore, begin to express gratitude for everything today, even if you don't yet comprehend it all. Trust in God, and He will bring a smile to your heart, a feeling you will soon recognise.
In relationships, whether with friends or loved ones, it's common to inadvertently make mistakes. The other person, lacking understanding, may perceive this as manipulative behaviour, potentially leading to conflict. This misunderstanding often arises from subtle influences that can mislead us. If you delay in offering an apology, prioritizing pride — often mistaken for self-respect — it can initiate a cascade of problems. Even when the situation seems ambiguous, it is crucial to yield and seek forgiveness for both yourself and the other person. This approach serves as the most effective initial remedy. Following this, engaging in a mutual conversation can also be advantageous, provided both parties are open to honest communication.
Catholic passivity
The most detrimental mindset is one that embraces a sense of futility: why should I take action if I believe I have no impact? This thought pattern recurs in various aspects of life. For instance, I observe a homeless individual searching through a rubbish bin outside my window. What is the point of offering bread if that person will still be hungry tomorrow, and I can’t provide them with shelter? Why give them £5 if it will likely be spent on alcohol? Why engage in politics if it seems unlikely to effect change? Some might suggest: pray! But do you think that during World War I or II, people didn’t kneel in prayer? All the suffering in the world occurs with the complicity of those who yield to such misleading thoughts and the insidious whisper: why should I take action? Will God assist us? Absolutely! He will empower us to act, instil love to forgive, and grant us courage and wisdom. However, if we remain passive throughout our lives, that will be the gravest sin we could commit! Did Jesus instruct us to sit and wait? Or did He rather urge us to go forth and take action?
Trust Me
for you
Bad thoughts are not from God.
Jesus loves you just as you are, regardless of the mistakes you may still make. Let go of negative thoughts, for they do not come from God! His love is so profound that He will not leave you in your current state. He is here to help you. Pray earnestly and surrender your life to Him, no matter how battered it may feel lately. Trust that He is at work, even when it seems like you are alone. His understanding surpasses yours.
Recipe for happiness
Start pursuing your passions and fight for what truly matters to you. Avoid spending hours at home watching television — whether it's news, series, or programs that claim to reflect reality but often distort it. Don't get caught up in distractions that won't transform your life; instead, reclaim the time you have on this earth. Rather than merely talking about your desires for change, take actionable steps to make your dreams a reality. You have the power to do it! Begin taking action now! Affirm to yourself: "From today, I will not waste any more opportunities in life." Repeat this out loud several times and elevate your spirit, for that is what God desires from you. Alternatively, you could choose to remain passive, waiting for life to pass you by. What will you decide?
The Bible reminds us: "He has set before you fire and water; for whichever you wish, stretch out your hand. Before men are life and death; whichever you wish, that will be given you" (Sir 15:16-17). Believe, my friend, that there will never be a more opportune moment to quit smoking, start exercising, lose weight, change your life, or read the Bible. I will say it again: there will never be a better time than today! Reject the LIE that you should wait until the new year, your birthday, or even tomorrow.
Acknowledge the challenges that have invaded your life; these obstacles are lies from Satan. Regardless of how tough your circumstances may seem today, begin your fight now! Do not say, "I've had enough," or "I can't cope." Instead, declare: "I can get through this! I must get through this! I will overcome this!" It doesn't matter what you're facing. Just as David triumphed over Goliath, you can achieve victory today with God's help. You have endured sleepless nights, shed countless tears, and made many pleas before His throne. Remember this: you are incredibly strong, and He grants you this strength today — so fight!
Say it with me once more: "I can, I will, I must do this!" Repeat this affirmation to yourself throughout the day. Do not fear failure; you are capable of achieving your goals! Make the decision to take action today!
I don’t have everything
I would want,
but I have everything
I need
Thank you God
Is it getting worse? Bullshit
Dear Friend, if you are feeling overwhelmed and losing hope, I encourage you to read this letter addressed to you: In the most desperate moments of your life, you can come to know God more intimately by calling out to Him like a child: “Lord, have mercy on me, for I cry out to you all the time” (Ps 86:3). It’s natural to feel distressed and saddened by your challenges—whether it’s loneliness or financial struggles—and to feel anger towards those who seem unaffected by your situation. You may find yourself saying, “I trust you, Jesus,” while simultaneously grappling with worry. However, this duality can reveal a lack of trust in Jesus and the changes He has in store for you. So, what can you do? How can you fully embrace trust while letting go of worries and overwhelming anxiety? How can you accept the gifts from Jesus that have long awaited your attention? It’s essential to identify where your thinking may be flawed. The root of the issue lies in your negative expectations and the tendency to project your own unhappiness onto situations. It is important to recognise that this mindset, distorted by negative influences, pertains solely to future uncertainties and is designed to undermine hope and faith — essential elements that lead to true happiness. GOD WANTS YOU TO GET RID OF BAD ANTICIPATIONS! This is necessary so that you can fully enjoy life! EASY TO SAY – you will tell me. FRIEND, I am telling you that it is possible, everyone is fully prepared for it – and YOU too. Only this horned good-for-nothing wants you to think that nothing in your life can change for the better, which is a lie. He also aims to make you feel humiliated by your past, powerless in the face of the present and without hope for the future. The most cunning aspect of this malevolent scheme is that it distracts you from God by fostering an amassing of worries, destroying the bond that unites you with Him. SO START FIGHTING TODAY and don’t allow the incoming whispers – the thoughts and satanic projections concerning the next day that will come. Reject them, because he is not the master of your future, but GOD HIMSELF, WHO LOVES YOU VERY MUCH! BELIEVE IN THIS! IN SUMMARY:
with God everything
is possible.
Take the salvation that Jesus gives you. Do you want it?
Is it clear to you, or should you take a moment to reflect on some important facts? My friend, are you aware that you are consistently facing challenges? The more you strive to live in alignment with goodness, the more you may find yourself entangled in difficulties. For years, you may have been yielding to weaknesses and temptations, fully aware that such actions are displeasing to God. Does it tire you? Do you often think about it? IF SO, I WILL TELL YOU what the Bible says: "For the wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23). Is it really that bad? Not at all! I have some wonderful news for you today: God loves you immensely and has given His Son, Jesus Christ, for your sake.: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (Jn 3:16). This means that Jesus Christ has already suffered your punishment for you, to save you and so that despite your sins you could live forever! TODAY (before your body dies) just answer deep down in your soul: DO YOU BELIEVE IN THIS AND DO YOU RECOGNISE JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR? "Believe in the Lord Jesus – they answered him – and you will be saved, yourself and your household" (Acts 16:31). What should you do? Do what the Bible says: "If you confess with your mouth that JESUS IS LORD and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9).
your problems
and allow Him
to give you
Achieve your goal – you are already close
No matter how distant your goal may appear today, if you don't take the first step, you have no chance of achieving it. Isn’t this logical? Don’t you sense the encouragement from your family and friends? Do you feel as though the entire world is against you? REMEMBER, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS NOT TO GIVE UP NOW! Persevere, and your attitude will become an inspiration to others. You cannot doubt. You have not been through so much in vain and have experienced so much suffering and defeats over all these years to now say: I can't do it! It was the failures that strengthened you! Happiness will arrive at the most opportune moment for you, a time known only to God. Only the fear of defeat can destroy your dreams. The fear that your fellow countrymen may have lost hope after years of defeats is understandable. Are you now beginning to overcome this fear as well? I sincerely wish for you to do so, as it will mark the start of your remarkable victory!
A person lacking faith often finds justifications for their fears and hesitations, leading to future regrets about missed opportunities. In time, they may envy those who have bravely ventured beyond their comfort zones to pursue a path of faith. Ironically, acknowledging their own mortality could inspire them to embrace life more fully and appreciate the time they have left. True motivation stems from recognising the fleeting nature of time and the divine opportunities squandered due to fear — a barrier that hinders personal growth and love. It is essential to reject fear today and courageously pursue your dreams with the guidance of the ultimate coach, Jesus Christ.
Regardless of life's circumstances, when you invoke the Holy Spirit, you can experience the peace of Jesus within you. He has triumphed over the world, granting us freedom, as stated: "The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17). Additionally, we are reminded: "In the world, you will have tribulation, but take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33) and: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid!" (John 14:27).
Emptiness in the Heart – single
No woman to man or man to woman can fill the emptiness that every person carries at the bottom of their heart. Only God can fulfil it. If you rely on someone else to fulfil all your desires for love, you will never be completely happy.
Today may be
your last
opportunity to
invite Jesus
into your
Do you share similar feelings?
I acknowledge my imperfections and recognise that I will continue to struggle throughout my life. My love for God remains steadfast, unwavering until my last breath. I refuse to let Satan persuade me that my sins disqualify me from receiving God's grace. I am committed to personal growth with God's guidance, a journey that will persist for the rest of my life. I proudly embrace my faith in Jesus, a conviction that will endure until the end of my days. God's love for me is constant, lasting not only through my lifetime but for all eternity. Amen.
Do you pray well?
Your attitude in prayer reflects the image you present to God, showcasing your trust and the depth of your faith. Scripture advises against anxiety when seeking God's assistance. Instead, it encourages us: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, present your requests to God through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving" (Phil 4:6). Consider whether doubting your requests and waiting for their fulfilment truly demonstrates strong faith that God will grant you what you seek. Reflect on what God teaches us: "Let him ask in faith, without doubting. For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. Such a person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord" (James 1:6-7). Additionally, the Book of Proverbs reminds us: "Anxiety weighs down the heart of man" (12:25).
It is essential to engage with the comforting words of God: "For I know the plans I have for you. . . plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. You will call on me and come to me in prayer, and I will listen to you" (Jer 29:11-12). With unwavering faith and trust in Jesus, you will witness the beautiful miracles that God can bring into your life.
GOD is always
WE are not
faithful to HIM
NEVER LISTEN to Satan, the accuser, who comes only to steal and destroy. He keeps telling you that you are broken, worthless, incapable, and that God does not hear you. THAT IS NOT TRUE! RESIST EVIL AND SAY: Glory to you, Lord! I am cleansed by Your blood! I rise and go further in the name of Jesus Christ! In what is so difficult for me today, God, You will help me! Jesus Christ says: "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that [the sheep] may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). GOD WILL HELP YOU THROUGH YOUR FAITH! YOU WILL CONQUER EVERYTHING! The problems you have now are a training of the soul that will result in a significant growth in faith! REMEMBER, JESUS took upon Himself the punishment meant for you! He took every sin of yours to the cross! HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH, so do not doubt HIM now! EVERYTHING YOU ASK FOR (in faith) YOU WILL RECEIVE SOON!
Unique – yes, it’s you.
DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS NO OTHER PERSON LIKE YOU ON THE WHOLE EARTH? Are you truly aware of this? You are extraordinary and very valuable! Unique and one-of-a-kind! Never again will someone like you be born in the world. You are a unique creation of God. DO YOU KNOW THAT NO ONE IN THE WORLD WILL LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS GOD DOES? If you allow it, all fear will disappear! YOU CAN RECEIVE LOVE THROUGH FAITH. DO IT NOW. Do you know why you have not yet received all the things from God that are meant for you? Because you are constantly busy trying to obtain them. What a paradox, right? Jesus desires you to rest more often in His presence and receive His love every day. DO IT, and Satan will not be able to stop what is meant to come to you today.
I'm going to Mass – put the chicken soup on for 1:00 pm.
God does not need you to sign an attendance sheet at Church every Sunday. He wants your presence at the Holy Mass to come from understanding and embracing His love and graces, which He offers you during this time for the coming week.
If you find yourself consumed by worries and constantly anticipating the worst, and each day seems devoid of joy, you may be on a path where negativity is leading you into torment. As it says in Proverbs 15:15, "All the days are evil for the oppressed, but a cheerful heart is a continual feast." So, what can you do? Focus on what is good—otherwise, the adversary in your spiritual struggle will steal away your joy. DO NOT LET HIM!
Remember, worrying does not resolve your problems. Instead, place your trust in God completely, just as Abraham did. Despite his old age and the seemingly impossible circumstances, Abraham did not waver in faith. Romans 4:18-19 states, "Against all hope, he believed in hope that he would become the father of many nations, according to what was said: 'So shall your offspring be.' He did not waver in faith, even though he recognized that his body was already dead—he was almost a hundred years old."
Trust that God will guide you on a straightforward path. As Psalm 25:3 promises, "No one who trusts in you will be put to shame," and Proverbs 3:5 advises, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
THEREFORE, DO NOT LOSE HOPE. Focus on the good and strive to embody the faith of Abraham!
LGod will never
LOVE you
more than at this
Are you ready to be surprised?
You never know when you might find yourself in a moment where intelligence or wealth no longer suffice; a place where the true measure of your worth will be determined by your heart. It's crucial that your heart overflows with God's love to ensure you don't fall short when that time comes. Perhaps that moment is today! It can be difficult to accept this reality. You may be thinking to yourself, "I'm still young, it's not my time yet. I'm healthy and have plans – tomorrow I have a meeting, and later I have. . ." But remember what Jesus said: "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour" (Matthew 25:13). These words resonate with many minds, but not all hearts. The awareness of life's fragility should spark a deep longing for reconciliation with God and motivate you to embrace change. When you strive to become a better person, only then can your life truly transform for the better.
Your suffering
Dear Friend, suffering is an inseparable part of life, isn't it? Just like it is for all of us. Faith in God is not about avoiding problems and hardships; it’s about navigating them with your head held high. God has the power to remove your difficulties or to help you endure them.
It’s easy to proclaim your faith when you’re surrounded by health and wealth—those moments feel reassuring. But true faith shines through when you find yourself isolated, without financial security or the comfort of loved ones, when you are unwell and facing adversity. If you only feel anger towards God in times of sorrow and only sing His praises when times are good, then your faith has yet to reach its full potential. As it is written, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart: I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Each of us will inevitably face our own giants. Will you stand tall against yours, armed with the greatest weapon of all: faith in God? Remember how Moses comforted his people when they stood trapped between the sea and the enemy’s army, before the waters parted: “Do not be afraid! Stand firm, and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13-14). God offers the same reassurance to you today!
Do what is right and what you are able to do. Stay close to Me, take a deep breath, and let go of your worries – trust that I will fight for you! The enemy may whisper that you are already at the edge of despair, and no one is coming to your aid. In those moments, respond with conviction: "Away with you, deceiver! God will fight for me!" This battle is not mine, but the Lord’s! Our God laughs at the enemy who thinks he can prevail, for He knows the outcome before it even begins.
So, stand firm, dear friend, in faith. Do not waver or take a single step back. Do not yield ground to despair! Fear not, for God is with you!
Where is God?
Dear Friend, God is here with you, in this very moment! He is not distant or hidden among the clouds; wherever you go, He is always by your side. He promises to be close to you, never leaving nor forsaking you.
Seek Him in the Bible, online, on social media, and through the people you encounter. Understand that His presence is in the now. Even as you read this, He is with you. As it is written, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6). Remember, “Seek, and you will find” (Matthew 7:7).
When you call upon God for help, He begins to work through others to bring that assistance to you. He desires to guide, support, and uplift you. Even amidst uncertainty about the future, place your faith in Jesus Christ and do not let worry cloud your thoughts. Instead of imagining dark scenarios, trust that He is present: “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). As He reassured His fearful apostles during the storm, “Take courage! It is I; do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27). This is how God speaks to you today!
God shows no favouritism; His promises in Scripture are meant for you – not just for those who lived in the past or for the apostles, but for YOU, right here and now. He loves you deeply, and if you find yourself navigating through the dark valleys of life (Psalm 23), know that He has a good plan for you even in these challenges.
Embrace His presence and know that He is always with you!
Feeling powerless?
IF YOU'RE LIVING IN STRESS and your vitality is fading, go to God today and let Him renew YOUR soul. He will give YOU strength: “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). Gain strength from Jesus, FRIEND! You may ask how? Simply allow Him! A twenty-minute adoration and prayer before the HOLIEST SACRAMENT will work wonders! Ask and desire. He will impart to YOU today the strength for the days ahead: “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:29-31). TO ACTION, FRIEND! TRUST! God is waiting for you today.
Read this three times
And if it hasn't got through yet, another 10 times.
You have fallen into a labyrinth of negative thoughts. It seems to you that your life is a series of failures... you lose hope. Do you spend hours on Facebook, praying for someone to reach out? GOD HAS GIVEN YOU FREEDOM, yet you live constrained! Bound at home like a dog in a kennel! If negative feelings and worries torment you, you need to know one thing: the peace that JESUS CHRIST can offer surpasses all understanding! It is a peace that will help you restore balance in your heart and soul, which you desperately need today: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).
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